
在昨天的DDOT性能听力,汤米井推DDOT和临时主任特里贝拉米更活跃在停车管理直流性能的两个试点地区,现在两岁了。在性能停车区域,在街道上的米的价格应该反映一个区域的停车需求。每小时通过调整价格,DDOT可以确保至少有一个空的空间/块。Wells说DDOT未能实现性能在试点地区没有停车给他信心的能力扩展其他地方,比如市中心。“我们似乎没有改变定价结构非常灵活,”威尔斯说。我们已经注意到这也。尽管DDOT已经能够收集数据通过顾问和停车占用政府的委员会这样的组织外,将这些数据转化为价格调整的跟进一直缺乏。根据井,我们会看到性能停车之前工作在试点地区扩大到其他领域。贝拉米说性能停车被发现一个可行的“最佳实践”,停车管理,他回顾了停车占用报告草案,近三年来的第二次报告的停车操作性能。贝拉米也基本上说,你需要工作人员监测空间几乎每天为了处理停车模式在棒球场。虽然这可能是真的价格完全正确,之前由DDOT公布的数据表明,有块不断充分利用或重可能受益于价格调整。然而,这并没有发生。井推DDOT来仔细考虑的数据已经收集和”是否这是你想做的事。“根据法律,DDOT甚至没有权利决定不这么做。实现立法,基于性能的停车试验区Act of 2008),部分州,”市长调整停车费达到10 - 20%的路边停车位”差不多。性能停车是为数不多的自筹资金改善交通。半岛手机登录与自行车道,新的公交线路和地铁服务的改进,性能不会停车成本直流任何操作资金。 Implementation of a good performance parking plan will reduce cars hunting for parking spaces, and therefore will reduce congestion in dense commercial areas. DDOT needs to measure and report parking occupancy more often than twice in three years, and once they get the occupancy data, they need to actually change the prices in accordance with the law, not just make recommendations and then sit back. The District is cited as a leader in performance parking, by having these pilot districts. The original 2-year pilot already ran out, though the DC Council recently passed legislation to extend it indefinitely. It’s a shame the original pilot period passed before a single meter was changed based on measured demand. DDOT should collect and review the data on regular schedule, actually implement appropriate parking price changes, and report on their actions, all as required in the law.