更大华盛顿:耶利米阴暗的 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/contributors/jlowery 耶利米阴暗的帖子。 2017年3月20日,星期一,13:52:00 + 0000 当地活动人士的宝贵的资源 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/62771/a-valuable-resource-for-local-activists https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/62771/a-valuable-resource-for-local-activists

I had just graduated and moved into the District in 2008 when I discovered Greater Greater Washington. As a young activist of color living in the city, I knew that to really make change I would need to stay up-to-date on policies that directly affect DC residents. GGWash was and continues to be the resource I was looking for ten years ago.

Will you join me in donating to GGWash so it can continue to be a valuable resource for activists like me?

Donate now!
GGWash's board of directors is matching donations dollar for dollar. That means your doantion will instantly be doubled when you donate today!

Moving to the District after living in Maryland my whole life, I was motivated to learn more about the urban landscape within Washington, DC. I found GGWash through a Google search and have been a reader and supporter ever since.

Because of GGWash I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of issues ranging from the city budget and zoning laws to even the politics of bike lanes! Having GGWash as a resource has made me a stronger, more effective social justice activist, and it helped me to become well equipped to tackle the pressing issues facing members in my community.

Now, more than ever, we need to be engaged in the decisions being made about our neighborhoods, our cities, our region

I’m doing my part. Will you do yours? By donating to GGWash, you enable them to continue running the site, publish posts, and bring people together offline build community and really dig into these issue. Your gift allows activists like me to have a source of useful information when we are advocating for a more equitable and sustainable DC for all.

Will you invest in this valuable resource by giving to GGWash today?

Donate now!

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2017年3月20日,星期一,13:56:00 + 0000 耶利米罗沃利(宣传委员会)