更大华盛顿:彼得·詹姆斯 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/contributors/pjames 文章由彼得·詹姆斯。 太阳,2016年9月11日22:05:22 + 0000 早餐链接:搬到未来 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/31131/breakfast-links-moving-to-the-future https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/31131/breakfast-links-moving-to-the-future

Streetcars alight in DC

DC’s streetcars arrived in Anacostia at the new test track. DDOT plans to start testing them on H/Benning by October and carry passengers once the Federal Transit Administration approves. (Post)

“Young urbanists” electorally growing

Elissa Silverman had a strong showing in the special election with many votes from 20- and 30-something DC residents, including many young African-Americans, partly by campaigning on good government and a strong safety net. (Post)

Rooftop bars mapped

A crowd-sourced map of rooftop bars shows a wealth of choices in central DC and Arlington, but just one for Marylanders: the Doubletree Bethesda. Are there others? (Map Attacks, Tom A)  (Tip: Tom A)

Height study starts with meetings

The upcoming federal/local study on possibly maybe changing the height limit announced 2 public meetings, Monday May 13 at the Petworth library and Saturday May 18 at the MLK library.

DC-CANnot give you Internet

DC has built a huge fiber-optic network with federal stimulus, but franchise agreements with Comcast and Verizon prohibit offering Internet access directly to residents. (City Paper)

Government goings-on

Mayor Gray wants to offer driver licenses to undocumented immigrants. (DCist) … DC now has federal permission to hire an interim CFO. (Examiner) … There’s a lot of finger-pointing around the Silver Spring Transit Center. (Examiner)

Freeloading ends in Ocean City

Ocean City is raising its parking rates and adding meters on some streets where visitors were parking all day for free. (WAMU)


Technology won’t entirely replace transit maps. (Human Transit) … ““If you are going to get arrested, do it in Arlington County.” (Colbert) … Who’s on the board that decides Virginia transportation policy? (Tysons Engineer)

Top image: Photo by DC Streetcar on Twitter.

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2013年5月02日星期四12:58:00 + 0000 彼得·詹姆斯(客座撰稿人)
早餐链接:跟踪工作 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/30974/breakfast-links-track-worked https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/30974/breakfast-links-track-worked

A good weekend to bike

After the Cherry Blossom holiday, Metro track work is back with a vengeance this weekend, with all 5 lines affected. The Red Line will include a downtown shuttle between Farragut North and Gallery Place. (Post)

Saved from the tracks

A man fell off the platform at Pentagon City Metro. An Annandale woman and her father in his 70s immediately pulled him to safety. (Post)

No one wants the middle seat

In a study of passenger behavior in the NYC subway system, the Transportation Research Board finds that riders like to stand near a door, prefer vertical poles to overhead bars and avoid middle seats. TRB’s recommended layout replaces bench-style seats with “airline” seats at both ends of the car. (Wired)

Move Constitution Avenue?

The US Institute of Peace wants to move part of Constitution Avenue, or really the on-ramp to I-66 past its new building, because there’s too much “noise and vibration.” Still unclear is who would pay for this, where the new ramp would be, and why they didn’t anticipate the noise before. (NBC4)

The rent really is damn high

Rents in the DC area rose more than anywhere else from 2009-2011. (Examiner) … Windowless 2-level units in Adams Morgan are renting quickly. (City Paper) … Bethesda could get 3,700 new units; it needs them. (BethesdaNow)

DC gov employees will get fatter paychecks

The Gray administration announced pay raises totaling 13% over the next 4 years for about 23,000 city employees, about two-thirds of the total workforce. Unions representing police, firefighters and teachers have not yet reached agreements with the city. (Post)

Cuccinelli won’t repeal VA transpo funding

The presumptive Republican gubernatorial candidate, who opposed the recent $1.4 billion transportation package, says he won’t attempt to repeal it if elected. (Post)

Ride Montgomery for Earth Day

The Sierra Club, Montgomery Bicycle Advocates, and Greater Greater Washington contributor Dan Reed are organizing a bike ride Saturday from Silver Spring to Takoma Park. (Patch)

Share with brotherly love

Philadelphia is considering launching bike sharing as soon as fall 2014. DC and Boston experts offer advice from experience: go big in the first phase, put stations in low-income neighborhoods, offer subsidized memberships. (Next City)

Top image: Photo by Kevin H. on Flickr.

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星期四,2013年4月18日12:49:00 + 0000 彼得·詹姆斯(客座撰稿人)
早餐链接:又来了 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/30896/breakfast-links-here-we-go-again https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/30896/breakfast-links-here-we-go-again

White House floats 2014 budget

The GSA budget includes $261.5M for Homeland Security at St. E’s but zilch for an FBI move. (WBJ) … The transportation budget calls for $40 billion in infrastructure repairs and more TIGER grants. (Streetsblog) … It also endorses DC budget autonomy. (DCist)

MoCo ped enforcement to target drivers, too

Montgomery police, whose past pedestrian enforcement has not targeted drivers, plan to enforce against drivers’ failure to yield in this year’s campaign. (Ben Ross)  (Tip: Ben Ross)

Charter preference lives

David Grosso introduced a bill that would allow (but not require) charter schools to give preference to local children. (Examiner) … A task force recommended against this, but many people feel they ignored many factors.

Area home prices reach historic highs

The median home price in the region rose 8% in one year; the biggest price gains were in Falls Church, Alexandria and DC. (Post)

“ABRA-ization of development”?

Mark Lee blasts Mary Cheh’s proposal to let ANCs and citizen groups officially weigh in on large matter-of-right projects. It’s a little much to call her “Queen of the NIMBYs,” though. (Blade)

Greenway drivers seeing red

Loudoun drivers complain to a state regulator that Dulles Greenway tolls are too high, pushing them onto other roads. (Examiner)

Baker gets partial school control

The Maryland legislature gave Rushern Baker some control of Prince George’s schools: he can pick the superintendent and chair and vice-char of the school board, but can’t control the budget. (CBS)

How’s the gender gap?

The gap between women’s pay and men’s in the DC region is much less than the national average, perhaps largely thanks to the federal government. However, the region has the 3rd largest pay gap for minority women. (Post)


The first 90-degree day in April since 2010 shuttered nine DC libraries. (Post) … DC tries again to get a developer for the Franklin school downtown. (City Paper) … Cicada Brood II will return from its 17-year hiatus this summer. (Post)

Top image: Photo by OhKyleL on Flickr.

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星期四,2013年4月11日12:48:00 + 0000 彼得·詹姆斯(客座撰稿人), David Alpert (Founder)