更大华盛顿:罗恩·达德利“Pookanu” https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/contributors/ron-pookanu-dudley 贴子罗恩·达德利“Pookanu”。 星期五,2018年8月3日15:02:00 + 0000 “远离自行车道” https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/68410/stay-away-from-the-bike-lane https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/68410/stay-away-from-the-bike-lane

Street Sense is a newspaper written and sold by people experiencing homelessness, where Ron “Pookanu” Dudley originally published this great bike lane-related poem. Consider joining him Saturday, August 4 (see bottom) and also consider buying a paper next time you see a Street Sense salesperson.

I see people driving crazy in the bike lane.
I seen a truck hit a lady in the bike lane.
I seen a car hit a man in the bike lane.
Why can’t the people understand this the bike lane?

I seen a car hit a truck in the bike lane.
I seen a kid get struck in the bike lane.
I seen a plane even crash in the bike lane.
I seen a man run an’ dash out the bike lane.

I saw a motorcycle flying down the bike lane.
Hit a dog, now we crying the bike lane.
I even see people walking in the bike lanes,
on they phone, people talking in the bike lane

I saw somebody eating food in the bike lane,
got hit, acting rude in the bike lane.
I seen a car door open in the bike lane,
then I seen a body rollin’ in the bike lane.

I seen a scooter get crushed in the bike lane,
‘cause he didn’t see the bus in the bike lane.
I seen a high speed chase in the bike lane.
I seen somebody catch a case in the bike lane.

I see so many people mad in the bike lane.
So many people think they bad in the bike lane.
Why do these trucks wanna park in the bike lane?
Wanna fight, wanna fuss in the bike lane.

I just wanna ride my bike in the bike lane.
I don’t ever wanna drive in the bike lane.
I see the people protesting in the bike lane,
in rain ‘cause they care about the bike lane.

Yesterday I saw a tent in the bike lane,
people just ain’t making sense in the bike lane.
People laugh, people joke in the bike lane.
I think we should take a vote in the bike lane.

I think we should take a stand in the bike lane,
make a plan, save a man in the bike lane.

Ron asks as many readers as possible to come to the bike lane at 14th and U Streets NW at noon on Saturday, August 4. There, where he sells his papers, Ron would like to unite community members to take a stand, and a photo together, in support of cyclists and safety.

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星期五,2018年8月3日15:20:00 + 0000 罗恩“Pookanu”达德利(《街头灵机报媒体)