Posts taggedAsk Ggw
Ask GGWash: Why doesn’t Metro have timed transfers?
Hi GGWash, I have a question about timed transfers. When I lived in the Bay Area and used BART, the system there had timed transfers at stations. At certain stops, you could walk across the platform to a waiting train on a different line. Neither train would leave until riders had the opportunity to transfer. Why doesn't Metro have this?Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: Why are the Red Line tracks inside the CSX tracks between Brookland and Silver Spring?
Hi folks: I've got this curiosity that I wanted to run by you and see if anyone could shed light on it. I recently moved to Takoma, from Capitol Hill. In this part of the Red Line, Metro shares a right-of-way with CSX's Metropolitan Subdivision, formerly B&O's Metropolitan Branch. But the curious thing is that the CSX tracks straddle the Metro tracks. Why?Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: Why does Adams Morgan have a car2go “hole”?
During the day, it's hard to find a car2go in Adams Morgan. What's going on? Basically, they do move cars there (and to other popular spots)… but then someone drives the car off almost immediately.Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: Is there any reason not to have a sidewalk?
There are parts of DC and other cities with no sidewalks. As pedestrian safety has become a higher priority in road design, DC and other cities have been adding them, though sometimes residents oppose the idea. Is there any good reason not to put one in? Do we have statistics? Reader Phil L. asks: “Do sidewalks measurably improve pedestrian safety even in low traffic density…Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: Why did the Cleveland Park Metro station flood?
During Tuesday’s huge thunderstorm, the Cleveland Park Metro station flooded so badly that Metro ended up closing it for nearly two hours. Why was the flooding so severe?Keep reading…
AskGGWash: What’s going on at Ballston?
今天是第一个工作日与SafeTrack效果, with single tracking between Ballston and East Falls Church. One result is that trains headed toward DC aren’t always showing up on the same platform at Ballston. At Ballston, inbound passengers missing inbound trains b/c they're showing up on opposite side of platform #wmata—…Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: What one book should I read about transit?
If you want to understand the battles over transit in the United States, is there one book you can read? We asked our contributors.Keep reading…
Ask GGWash: Why do Metro signs now show trains that are farther away?
It used to be that Metro’s “next train” arrival signs only displayed trains that were coming within the next 20 minutes. Now, the signs list trains up to 40 minutes away. Reader Tom F. wrote in to ask why.Keep reading…
Ask GGW: How do Arlington and Alexandria differ?
Arlington and Alexandria. They’re, like, the same place… right? Ok yeah, no, they aren’t. But one of our readers did point out that to many, two of DC’s southern neighbors often get mistaken for one another, so we’ve explained a number of the differences.Keep reading…
Ask GGW: What will the Metro station at Dulles Airport look like?
World-famous architect Eero Saarinen designed the Dulles Airport terminal, meaning the coming Metro station won’t be a simple addition to your run-of-the-mill streetscape. What will it look like?Keep reading…