Send our kids back to school with a safer K Street NE
DC traffic engineers say that a K Street NE safety project, which eliminates a rush hour driving lane and adds curb extensions and bicycle lanes, will be complete just in time for the start of the school year. Kids, parents, and other neighbors will be able to bike more safely on K Street, breathe cleaner air, and cross the street without fearing for their lives.Keep reading…
The Palisades Trolley Trail is in disrepair, but there’s a plan to make it accessible for all
Buried beneath overgrown shrubs and muddy puddles, a hidden jewel of a trail may be soon recovered that would help connect Georgetown and the Palisades. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is currently considering various options to revitalize the former Glen Echo Trolley Trail.Keep reading…
DC should put an actual Metro rider on the WMATA Board
A rare opportunity to influence Metro policy at the highest levels has appeared. Following confirmation ofcontinued ethics violations, Councilmember Jack Evansresignedhis post on the WMATA Board of Directors Thursday, which leaves DC in need of a representative.Keep reading…
Why local affordable housing orgs want to expand accessory apartments in Montgomery County
Like much of the United States, Montgomery County is facing a critical housing shortage. Finding healthy, affordable housing near jobs and transit is extremely difficult for many people at varying income levels. But new legislation could help.Keep reading…
Partap’s the perfect planning pick for Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Council will vote soon to select a new member of the influential Planning Board, as well as for its chair. We think the council should re-appoint chair Casey Anderson, and for the open seat, select Silver Spring resident Partap Verma.Keep reading…
Tell Maryland’s comptroller to put the brakes on the Beltway/I-270 widening project
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn are bulldozing ahead with theirproposalfor massive toll lane expansion on the Capital Beltway and I-270. This deal is fundamentally flawed in multiple ways.Keep reading…
Will DC’s budget cater to people who own four cars?
Residential parking permits let people park their cars on public space for an amazing steal: $35 a year. DC Councilmember Mary Cheh (ward 3), chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, wants to raise those fees to $50 for one car and $75, $100, and $150 for subsequent cars.Keep reading…
Three DC councilmembers respond to the deaths of Dave Salovesh and Abdul Seck with bills and letters
Some members of the DC Council were as shocked and dismayed as our community was by the deaths on our roads this past weekend. A driver killed Dave Salovesh while he rode his bicycle on Florida Avenue NE Friday, and another killed Abdul Seck, a New York City visitor who was walking at 16th and V SE in Anacostia SundayKeep reading…
Will Arlington go all in for safety in its new bicycle plan?
Right now, Arlington's bicycle routes have gaps and the many of the routes feel dangerous, which may make many people who would otherwise bike less inclined to ride. But soon the county has the opportunity to build a safer and more robust bicycle network.Keep reading…
Could this simple change make streetcar tracks safer for bicyclists?
One of the most common safety issues with streetcar tracks around the world is that bicycle tires get caught in them. There’s a gap in the tracks that easily traps bicycle tires, causing the rider to lose their balance or flip over their handlebars. The streetcar tracks on H Street NE have this issue.Keep reading…