另一个例子:几个月前我想确定一个去我女儿的舞蹈工作室通过使用小径。有许多连接器在南阿灵顿的蔓延和W&OD道——所有无名运行。导航的唯一途径是通过试验和错误,尝试每一个看了我需要去的地方。我不得不花费超过20分钟的时间来弄清楚这小道和映射出我的路线。如果这些连接器有一个标志标识连接到街上,就容易多了。即使是现在,我知道,我仍有一个巨大的困难,如果不是不可能,时间试图描述一个人如何把我的路线。很好,我们有很多小路骑自行车和行人使用,并不断增加和完善。越来越多的这些设施用于交通以及娱乐。半岛手机登录但是,如果他们是真正将我们的交通设施,他们需要更有效的标志。半岛手机登录标志在小路上现在我们一般直接到另一个地方没有确定我们在哪里,像“养子小道- >”或“< - Shirlington。“经常很难识别追踪你的名字。 This makes it hard to give people directions. I can’t tell someone, “Go down to the end of the street and turn left on the W&OD trail,” because there is no sign identifying it as the W&OD at that intersection. So I’m reduced to trying to describe it instead.有一天我骑着我的自行车到亚历山大,把她的新自行车路径穿过威尔逊大桥。这是很难找到,因为没有定向的迹象。为什么自行车和行人设施没有招牌被包括在预算?迹象将某种特殊的附加特性?你能想象如果这是威尔逊大桥项目本身的情况吗?他们建造了这座桥,但没有预算的标志吗?荒谬的。然而,似乎小径的路子。显然跟踪用户应该只是“知道”的去向以及如何得到了它在正确的地方没有帮助。在城市地区,轨迹是有用的交通枢纽,标牌应镜子的街道。半岛手机登录 Each trail should have an identifiable name and every intersection should have a sign with the names in both directions, just like street signs. Discontinuous trails, like the extraordinarily confusing “Four Mile Run Trail,” should be broken into parts with each part given a distinct name to avoid confusion. Trails should also only have one name. For example, there are parts of the W&OD that are also the Four Mile Run Trail and parts that are also the Custis Trail, a part of 4-Mile Run is also called Barcroft Trail, and I even saw a sign the other day that said “Anderson Bikeway” along 4-Mile Run, whatever that is. Signage needs to be maintained and updated as changes and improvements are made. The final section of the W&OD in Bluemont Park was completed in 2002, yet the sign at the intersection of the Bluemont Junction trail does not even identify the trail — seven years later. Good signage cannot be considered a special, additional benefit of bike/pedestrian infrastructure, but needs to be integrated into the system, just like it is for streets: included in budgets, replaced and repaired when necessary, and updated when changes are made. Not only is this an issue of equity with users of other transportation modes, but it will also serve to increase the likelihood that people will use trails for transportation.