更大华盛顿:艾比(merrill Lynch) https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/contributors/alynch 艾比林奇的帖子。 星期四,2016年9月15日03:31:00 + 0000 更大华盛顿很容易成为一个消息灵通的居民。帮助我们保持运行的博客。 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/40752/greater-greater-washington-makes-it-easy-to-be-an-informed-resident-help-keep-the-blog-running https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/40752/greater-greater-washington-makes-it-easy-to-be-an-informed-resident-help-keep-the-blog-running

Greater Greater Washington talks about complex issues in a way that that’s easy for me, a total non-expert, to understand. I’m supporting GGWash because it makes me feel included and empowers me to take action, and I hope you’ll do the same.

You’ve never seen my byline before, but I serve on the GGWash Board of Directors, where I add my expertise in fundraising and nonprofit management to the organization’s mix of leadership. Long before I joined the board, though, I was a regular reader of the blog.

I found GGWash when I first moved to DC in 2008, eager to understand the place on a local level. I grew up in the outer suburbs, knowing little of the actual city outside of the National Mall and downtown office buildings. When I found some roommates on Craigslist and moved into a row house in Park View, I was curious to learn more.

GGWash’s coverage of bike lane plans, street design, transportation, and city governance informed my understanding of what it is to live in an urban environment. And as DC has become my permanent home rather than a temporary place to live and work (that was the thought when I moved here, I admit), I have come to appreciate the organization’s commitment to providing readers with the tools we need to take what we learn here and proactively engage with the city.

I’ve participated in forums as WMATA has examined the bus lines I take to work. I’ve attended my ANC meetings to get to know what local leaders are doing in my community. I’ve submitted comments to DDOT about pedestrian and cycling issues. And I’m keeping an eye on the development coming along Park View’s stretch of Georgia Avenue, so that I can be an effective advocate for a walkable, inclusive, and growing neighborhood. Our coverage means I that I am aware that these opportunities exist, and informed enough to make productive comments.

So why are you hearing from me today?

I am thankful for the hard work both the editorial board and our contributors put in to bring the site to readers. But there is one more crucial element that makes this blog run: financial support.

We ask readers to support Greater Greater Washington through a monthly, annual, or one-time gift because the coverage you see here also comes from the hard work of our staff editor, our managing director, and the underlying infrastructure of the site. As we grow as an organization, a funding base that includes support from readers like you and me will be crucial to keeping that going.

That’s why I donate to Greater Greater Washington, and why I hope you will too.

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星期五,2016年2月12日15:05:00 + 0000 艾比林奇(董事会)