更大华盛顿:史蒂芬·贝尔 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/contributors/sbeller 文章由史蒂文·贝尔。 星期五,09年9月2016 20:23:06 + 0000 Tenleytown西夫韦项目值得病房3的支持 https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/12840/tenleytown-safeway-project-deserves-ward-3s-support https://半岛手机 appwww.ethiopiaexpat.com/view/12840/tenleytown-safeway-project-deserves-ward-3s-support < p >响应请求从邻居,西夫韦创建一个优秀的多功能提议重建Tenleytown商店将重振其延伸的威斯康辛大道。从居民他们应得的荣誉,而不是一连串投诉项目团队在最近的一次非洲国民大会的会议。< p > 2009年,西夫韦宣布计划扩大这种老化存储。< a href = " http://www.ward3vision.org/anx/index.cfm " > Ward3Vision < / >,一群居民支持更适于步行的和可持续的城市地区,加入社区的其他人< a href = " / post / 3619 " >敦促Safeway < / >方法比原来扩大更多的创造性和可持续的建议。< p > < / p > < div class = " blog_image " > < a href = " http://tenleytownsafeway.com/ANC%20Meeting%20-%2003.08.12.pdf页面= 17 " > < img src = " /图片/文章/ 201204 - safewayelev.jpg”风格= "边境:1 px固体# ccc " > < / > < p >海拔提议西夫韦。从项目团队形象。< / div > < p > < !-更多- > < p >西夫韦回到绘图板,和与克拉克物业和新城市规划建筑师托提加拉< a href = " http://tenleytownsafeway.com " > < / >设计一个混合用途开发190 56000平方英尺的商店和住宅。< p >开发团队花了很多时间接触社区。他们创造了一个富有想象力的项目合理的密度,将融入现有的社区结构同时也生动。< p >计划要求的不仅仅是取代陈旧的Tenleytown西夫韦新商店。通过添加一个居民楼,该项目将重振这段的威斯康辛大道,老化的商业开发和帮助它开始转变成一个多功能的商业和住宅小区。< p >不幸的是,在3月8日ANC 3 e会议上,居民提出一连串的抱怨的高度、密度、和停车和交通项目的影响。< p >一些病房3居民批评这个项目作为周围邻居过于密集。But the site’s location on Wisconsin Avenue, between the Tenleytown and Friendship Heights Metro stations and served by high-frequency bus lines, makes it very appropriate for transit-oriented, slightly denser development.

Growth like what Safeway proposes will bring increased foot traffic and customers to stores and restaurants, giving residents in quieter surrounding neighborhoods more shopping and dining choices, and bolsters DC’s tax-base while adding minimal traffic.

The development team showed great sensitivity to community concerns. The architects moved delivery traffic to Davenport Street from the originally proposed location on Elicott Street, where drivers will now unload in a covered delivery court. This buffers the noise and keeps truck traffic away from Georgetown Day School students across the street. The team also added a cover over the delivery court after residents voiced concerns about noise.

Ground level and landscape plan.

The architects added a row of liner townhouses to screen off the potentially blank, uninteresting walls of the grocery store, enhancing the sense of a residential environment. They also stepped back the height of the building to create terraces, increasing green space for the development, and added a second entrance to Safeway along 42nd Street to make the shopfront livelier.

Also, in direct response to concerns expressed at the January ANC meeting, the development team removed one whole story from the residential main block, making it 4 residential stories instead of 5 as originally planned.

There are, of course, details that still need to be resolved, such as how to foster lively street life, how to to minimize traffic congestion and enhance safety, putting utility lines, and encouraging other amenities like bike and car sharing.

The one area that could most improve is at the corner of Ellicott and 42nd, where WMATA has a small service building often referred to as a “bunker.” Safeway and Clark are negotiating with Metro about this property. A semi-public use, such as a coffeehouse pavilion, would bring many benefits to the community and developer alike. DC could also modify the slip lanes in this area to create additional public space.

Either way, the final proposal is an excellent one. The team has shown willingness to compromise, and deserve full support from area residents.

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星期四,2012年4月12日17:25:00 + 0000 史蒂文·贝尔(客座撰稿人),罗恩Eichner(客座撰稿人)